We posted a short tweet without having many details, yet, the response from the DeFi community was amazing! We ❤ you all (and you, icebergy). But what was it all about?
What did I miss?
On April 16th we posted this tweet. It had no details, or any sort of information (at the time). There was no promise or announcement. Instead, we wanted to celebrate two major events. Well, one is major for the entire Ethereum community — Berlin hard fork (network upgrade: boring stuff but exciting updates), and the second reason is plain simple as well. We wanted to make sure that everyone would have a chance to participate in the launch of our Smart Treasury (suspense music ta da… soon).
So what will happen now?
Everyone who responded can claim the “Unexpected move” NFT. Oh no, yet another NFT you may say. But it’s not your typical NFT.
Can I check if I can claim an NFT?
Yes, if your address is in this list, you can claim an NFT 🥳.
What kind of perks are you talking about?
Every “Unexpected move” NFT can be exchanged for 1 MOVE token, but only once. So if you have this NFT, it is up to you to decide: keep it, exchange for 1 MOVE token, or maybe give it to someone else.
What about MOVE tokens?
To reward all participants we simply went onto Sushi and got the required amount of MOVE tokens. The net amount of tokens didn’t change. Moreover, until every winner claims their MOVE, tokens will patiently wait in a smart contract.
What can I do with my new NFT?
A couple of things. You can claim your NFT and observe its magnificence in our alpha apps for iOS or Android. You can claim and immediately exchange NFT for 1 MOVE token. In this case, you will claim NFT, burn it and receive 1 MOVE token to your wallet. Finally, if you already have the “Unexpected move” or even a couple of them, you can always exchange them to MOVE tokens. There is no expiry date and no limits.
How can I claim it?
If your wallet address is in the list participants, you can claim your “Unexpected move” starting from April 21st here:
It’s lame. I wanted to get a gazillion of tokens
Sorry, 🤷♂️.
What about the Powercard?
Thanks for asking! The superpower will be activated with the launch of the next NFT. Moreover, it looks like it has two powers. But let’s wait till the Sweet & Sour announcement.
When will be the Sweet & Sour announcement?
Very soon.