It’s here, and it’s beautiful. You can now order the beautiful crypto debit card brought to you by Mover and Trastra.
Why is it beautiful?
The beautiful card” is the code name for our first crypto debit card. Call it an alpha release of a crypto debit card. It is a card we are releasing together with our partner Trastra.
When is it available?
Right meow 😸. Seriously, it is already available and you can order it now.
How does it work?
Our partner Trastra is handling all regulated activies, while Mover remains open and non-custodial. Mover doesn't have access, and doesn't store your personal data.
What is so unique about this structure?
For the first time ever you can keep using your non-custodial wallets and use all DeFi, and have a crypto debit card at the same time.
What countries are supported?
The beautiful card delivery and distribution services are available within the European Economic Area (EEA). To be more specific, residents and citizens of these countries can order and receive a card: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom.
Will you support more countries?
Absolutely! We are planning on adding more support in the future. However, right now the beautiful card will be available to the above-mentioned countries.
The card works globally, though?
Yes, it does! Your card works globally. Every place that supports VISA automatically accepts your beautiful card.
What about the terms and fees?
All of the details about the card requirements, card fees and more can be found here.